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Studied berklee method and music history and composes for strings ensemble and chamber ensemble. besides his solo work, he composes music for various media such as exhibitions of photography/graphics, movie sound tracks and theatres. his music longs for the communication with listeners in the field where conceptualization and verbalization are impossible. his musical attitude is that the essentials of music does not depend on academia or logic and music stands by itself.

With stuttering beats and bass pulses that skirt the edge of full-on funkiness, this is the closest thing to a dance record in the mAtter catalogue — at least for one half of Slit. Koyashiki works with sine tones and fragmented field recordings to create an ascetic, yet infectious series of rhythmic studies akin to some of the less-abrasive digital micro-funk released on Raster-Noton. For the other half of the album, Koyashiki creates crunching, crackling sonic sketches that are simultaneously engaging and disorienting.

review by Rare Frequency