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“Harald Sack Ziegler and Frank Schültge Blumm have held their unstamped sound kite into the winds for almost five years – which is longer than ever before. On their new album “Returns”, it has finally landed, precisely and accurately – as usual.
For the predecessor “Kind Kind” (staubgold 42 CD/LP, 2003), Sack & Blumm had employed the postal service to bridge the distance between Cologne and Berlin by sending “musical” letters. For “Returns” contrary to their usual practice they sat side by side in front of their recording equipment in Berlin to be able to communicate their musical ideas more directly then their previous musical long-distance relationship had allowed them.
And although Harald Sack Ziegler has again made whole boys choirs pale by comparison with his most recent solo album “Punkt” (staubgold 59 CD, 2005) and FS Blumm has recently entered into a conversation with female voices in his Old Splendifolia and “Bobby & Blumm” projects, “Returns” is – again – an album without any vocals.
But they do tell stories. Sack & Blumm present a very autonomous, unpretentious music; music which caters to no audience and which is vaguely reminiscent of the kind of music children play, but which never attempts to emulate their naïveté, as the subtle virtuosity with which they play their instruments informs the listener. They’re not so much playful as they are receptive in their play, always willing and prepared to follow their ears, which hear music in all kinds of noises.”