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“The original idea was to use only a harmonica and call the album Harmonica. But it was a bit more so, and with the idea of krautrock in their mind they called the album ‘Irrlicht’, in reference to Herr Schulze. The starting point was still harmonica, but in addition to that Aun plays guitar, electronics and Allseits guitar, voice, electronics. Aun is Montreal based Martin Dumais, who already released  work on Oral before. This is his first album in a series of  collaborations Behind Allseits is one Nina Kernicke, from Bremen (Germany). Their concerts seem to be loud but the work at hand here is rather subdued and drone based, occasionally bursting out into more heavy ground. The Klaus Schulze references are never far away, even when Aun and Allseits stay in a much more abstract ground. The cosmos is not the blue sky, but the infinite and dark space that lies much further away. Spacious (oops there we go again) dark atmospheric music along the lines of Thomas Koner and more over Troum (with whom Allseits something collaborates). A dark sun, under which its hard to re-invent the tones, but where Aun and Allseits do a damn fine job.” (FdW)