
Artist: Lodz
Format: CD
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“LODZ whispers the time of this first album, melancholic songs, porcelain dolls telling the family story. This album imposes of entrance its intimacy, even its side personal diary, sewn by golden son in the twilight of a room under roofs. LODZ, from its experiments, builds stories which are so many tales and spectaculars. Night-charms, walks in the middle of nowhere savage, at the edge of the water, in the edge of forests or in her dreams. But there is in the set, the voice, the writing, something very literary and classic.” I come from a musical practice which is the interpretation. And my way of approaching my own music, with the computer and the treatment of the archived sounds which he allows, is structured by this practice of the interpreting. I interpret within my own music: at first a culture « classic » to whom I make widely reference, in a sometimes implicit way (we so find, spread, winks to Ravel for Maror, to Bartók in East, to Sailor Swamp in Hanna dreams. There are also poetic texts, which are more or less advanced there also and which constitute me just as much: Rilke in Cornet, Apollinaire in Rhénanes… There are a lot of people, thus, which(who) hid in these fragments, references more or less veiled from a whole culture which built me and which try to interpret again.”