Silver Red

Artist: Qua
Format: CD
SKU: 17269 Categories: ,

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“”Silver Red” has been an evolving piece of music from Qua aka Cornel Wilzcek. Over the course of two years Silver Red began to take shape, with the piano and guitar source material originally recorded in 2005 at a live performance in Melbourne. This source material was loaded into an ever-growing custom software patch controlled by a French invention, the Lemur – a multi-touch, programmable screen – that eventually became the backbone of the composition. While it evokes ideas from Steve Reich, Philip Glass and other rhythmic minimalist composers, it also owes much to colourful explorations of artists such as Moondog and Roberto Cacciapaglia.

In 2007, Laurence Pike, of Sydney bands Pivot (Warp Records) and Triosk (Leaf Records), took to the drums performing with Qua live and in the studio. As well as playing on Qua’s upcoming pop album, Laurence played a one-take drum part that was then loaded into the custom Qua software patch and re-performed by Cornel, thus lending it the same treatment as the other
source material.
“One Second” is a reaction to “Silver Red”. It felt necessary to somehow resolve the album and boil it down to a few simple sounds. It looks at Silver Red from the view point of artists such as Ennio Morricone, Kristoff Komeda and Scott Walker and somehow extrudes one second of time from Silver Red.”