Melodier Och Faglar
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Sagor & Swing’s second album adds 40 minutes of music to the first, without any changes to signal except maybe the fact that Eric Malmberg’s writing has become slightly more assured and efficient. The recipe of this mellow drum-and-organ duet rests solely on his precious melodies. Using the softest settings on his Hammond organ, he plays the cutest tunes as if the world was a perfect place to live in. Ulf Möller backs him up with light rhythms, brushes, and soft mallets being used a lot more than sticks. The tunes in 3/4 are the lightest and most heart warming, with special mentions going to “In i Shogen” and “Fantasilandef Raseras” (despite its 4/4 time signature). This music exists in a world of its own, a place where notions of kitsch and retro hold no meaning. Time ceases to exist during the 37 minutes of Melodier och Fåglar (“melodies and birds”). The “easy listening” nature of it only confuses up the listener. Distinctions between popular/easy and art/difficult music fail to describe the tunes — sure they conjure up Hammond-a-gogo LPs but cannot be robbed from their obvious artistic qualities, as intangible they may be. Malmberg and Möller have managed to forge a unique sound out of the simplest elements, to make undisputable art of shameful beauty.