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Bass – Axel Haller
Guitar – Torsten Papenheim
Saxophone – Antoine Chessex

Jazz and Spoken Word (Minimal, Free Improvisation, Experimental)
Recorded at Audio Cue Tonlabor, Berlin September 16th 2003

“(…) The group step carefully, with well-tempered improvisation that focuses on the understated and unrefined. Though it sounds as though every musical gesture made by the trio is the product of planning and intent, Kainkwatett are able to leave their music sounding rough, almost industrial. (…) Some significant shifts in momentum might, to the listener, seem rather minute, but, in the terms of Kainkwatett’s rather suppressed style, they’re as blatantly eventful as things are going to get, and that’s not a bad thing. More blustery improv can be full of missteps and unintentional expulsions, and though these aren’t necessarily negatives, Kainkwatett’s music and its deliberate nature make musical economy quite attractive. Whether these three will find the success and distribution some of their city-mates have has yet to be seen, though, this disc is a more than adequate start.” AS