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“Instruments are in mutual dialogue. This can happen in an entertaining manner, or passionate, short-tempered, angry,… – all adjectives that express a mood, can be enumerated. In a piece of music there is always the correlation with action, reaction and interaction. With this statement, all music genres and styles can be summarized, and this rule also applies to improvisation, even to atonality, because atonality has its own regulations. But – Nevertheless how free sounds, tones, musical motifs and melodies are moving, there will always be a unity in execution and experience, because all music is composition.

While listening to experimental music one is tempted to appoint instruments and sounds. I hear: guitar, piano, accordion, but also – an airplane, the ringtone of a phone. Those games are all similar to the way one teaches a child the various musical instruments. The experience of music is and remains a fairy tale: Peter and the Wolf.

The music of the Polish formation Brasil and the Gallowsbrothers Band, is more structured than the compositions of many other experimental bands. The numbers are clearly built, and the dialogue of sound takes place. The voices are used in the same way as the instruments, electronic sounds, and integrated recordings of surrounding sounds. In the songs the musical motifs are continuously repeated, but there is an interaction with the different musical layers.

After hearing the music you look for some reference: who are the people who are making this music, what instruments are actually played, is a story written in the CD booklet -? But, the record was delivered in the box of another CD: Hi Brasil is where we are. This is not adding the necessary additional information, but it proves that there is other work available of a group who attracted my full attention. From the scarce information on the internet, I understand that Legionowo was released in September 2005.”