Patchwork 1971-2002

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“Nothing is sacred; everything is divine. No track hangs around for longer than 4 minutes (though somehow you know they’re undoubtedly continuing to this day in some parallel dimension). (…) ‘Patchwork’ is best heard as a fabulous whole. Like some reliable DIY krautrock fix-all, it does exactly what it says on the tin. Patched together from one of musical history’s most thrilling cornucopias of taped sound, this Faust is truly a piece of work.” (Chris Jones BBC Music Online)

For this very special release Staubgold label manager Markus Detmer and Faust member Hans Joachim Irmler compiled unreleased Faust recordings from 1971 to 2002, covering the legendary Wumme Years (1971 – 1973) and the time at Virgin’s Manor studios (1974- 1975) as well as their new start in the early 80s and recent years. Compiled as a collage, as the title suggests, “Patchwork” unfolds the core qualities of Faust and gives a deep impression of their working method.”