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“Mattin is a Berlin-based Basque artist who runs the w.m.o/r label and this CD is a record of a performance by Mattin on computer feedback along with the legendary Eddie Prevost (AMM/Organum) and Sigma Editions’ Rosy Parlane on percussion. The “computer feedback” takes the form of a torrent of hiss, not always harsh, not always unpleasant, but definitely a bit on the abrasive side. The first track’s mix of drum kit assault and long stretches of feedback hitting the high registers actually reminded me of Fushitsusha – there is a similar austere feel coupled with a slightly grungy “rock” edge to the electronics. On the remaining tracks the percussion is played more abstractly (and rarely on what you’d recognize as a standard drum kit) with the sound of slowly resonating metals and echoed gong-like tones playing beneath the rustling of the feedback which moves (and sounds like) a rushing water current. The last track is maybe the best and at 23 minutes also the longest – Prevost and Parlane provide the subdued metallic clanging as the feedback noise rises and falls, occasionally forming huge walls of static white noise. This is credited as a Mattin record and it is his computer noise that dominates (but doesn’t overpower) the proceedings.”