Bioplex In Delay

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Is: Georg S. Huber
Processed and recorded at monochrome music berlin

“Zeitblom presents 4 long pieces in this new 2CD set. The liner notes for the project come courtesy of Rantasa, who had worked with Zeitblom together with Fennesz last year on the installation Bioadapter (released on CD by Rhiz as Music for an Isolation Tank). Rantasa’s notes constitute a short essay on the ideas and structures of Zeitblom’s work, on the frictions between culture and nature, between the world of the made and the world of the born. He explains that Zeitblom created Bioplex for “artificial rooms” (but then again, are there really any natural rooms?): “Together with visuals, the music is used as a design element for a functional, cultural transition room like the foyer of a concert hall.” Yet in the context of a more domestic setting, the music takes on a different influence. Listening to Bioplex In Delay is like having an installation piece in your own home: the sounds transform your living space into something new; unknown and truly miraculous. The music creates an artificial environment in which to repose, and you begin to feel like a stranger in your own home. Richly layered clusters of sounds, derived from acoustical material (like the heartbeats of visitors to the Bioadapter sound installation), are spun through the machinery of a vast series of electronic processing steps. The result is a collection of four dense environments that occupy your space but don’t leave you feeling weighted down by them. They may belong to “the world of the made”, but they have all the complexity of the “world of the born”, leaving you with ample room to move about and explore the details and corners. Each track has it’s own distinctive mark, like each natural environment has a particular scent, texture, or sound – the sound clusters move through complex structures, layer upon layer, with variations ranging from the extremely subtle to more obvious shifts, additions and subtractions. With its wealth of ideas and complex sounds, Bioplex in Delay is a wonderfully compelling work that comes highly recommended. [Richard di Santo]”

1-1. To Begin 25:09
1-2. Story 24:57
2-1. Melody 31:14
2-2. End 25:30