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Franck Laurent, J, Jim B, Pascal De Mille, Pascal Godjikian

“Everywhere they are machines, not at all metaphorically: machines of machines, with their couplings, their connections. An organ machine is connected to a source machine: one emits a flow, which the other cuts… »
J (Ex-STPO) and JimB (STPO) met 5 January 1998 to quietly improvise on the concept of interference. One had already interconnected a few machines to realize that their unnatural couplings produced a most promising sound yolk. The other still had enough strings on his guitar to inoculate this substrate with unpredictable turbulence. From this meeting and those that followed, noisy shapeless creatures emerged (see Archives, the page of the principles of composition or the concert at the Jardin Moderne: Table d’hôtes). But the desire to regulate, at least in part, this undocile procreation, led them to adopt the following protocol:
1° – critical listening 2° – selection 3° – construction 4° – reproduction (more or less mastered)
“It is that there is always a machine producing a flow, and another that is connected to it, operating a cut, a flow sampling (…). And since the first is in turn connected to another in relation to which it behaves as a cut or pick, the binary series is linear in all directions… » The enihcamian concept: “ENIHCAM ENU’D SNES ERTUA’L TSE MACHINE” is the result of this process of diverting sound fluxes.