Bad Acetate

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For Soleilmoon’s 100th CD we decided to take mood-altering drugs and raid the attic for forgotten gems from the early days of the label. From the EARLY early days of the label. 1949, to be exact. That was the year that our late founder Seymore Crouchly recorded his first masters. 50 years ago Crouchly began documenting the sounds and voices he heard around him, including the first ever Soleilmoon employee Christmas party, complete with drunken guests and raunchy jokes.
Soleilmoon Recordings had humble beginnings, making audio tracks for industrial safety films (and inadvertently inventing Industrial Music 25 years before Throbbing Gristle popularized the term). With a small but dedicated staff of recordists, engineers and assistants Soleilmoon Recordings built a solid collection of audio material for Hollywood film producers. But Crouchly disappeared on a sailing trip from Vancouver to Hawaii in 1971 and the company languished. By 1973 all recording has stopped, and the business was effectively closed. A fire destroyed the studio in 1977. Rumour placed an agent from arch rivals Ash International near the scene that day, but it couldn’t be confirmed and the cause of the fire was never established. More than a generation’s worth of history was erased in a matter of minutes, and the little company that invented and perfected the “car skid and crash” for modern cinema was soon forgotten.
Crouchly’s flamboyant grandson Johnny Pinkhouse revived “Soleilmoon Recordings” in 1988, and with it the current era of music publishing and distribution. This CD collects extracts from the tapes in Crouchly’s attic (his house, across town from the studio, was spared from the fire), and exists today as the only documented evidence of Soleilmoon Recording’s early existence. Johnny Pinkhouse continues to sort through his grandfather’s archives, sipping Pink Martini’s, and bowling on Friday nights. Will there be another collection of Bad Acetate? Perhaps!