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A work of collaboration by Icelandic composer Sverrisson (who has a release on Extreme and currently working with Laurie Anderson) and Anthony Burr from the USA. Sverrisson has been resident in New York for over 10 years and active in the avantgarde free-jazz scene, working with among others Anthony Coleman, Jim Black, Eyvind Kang etc… Burr collaborated with Jim O’Rourke, featuring on ‘Terminal Pharmacy’ among other releases. He is currently living in San Diego and finishing his doctor’s degree in composition at The University of San Diego.

The music of the two is not easy described. It moves into ambient territories, but is too unsettling to be just another ambient. Sonic scapes are built up using high frequency scales. On a microscopic scale little insects move around, and they reveal their presence when you turn up the volume real loud.