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Is: Tim Elzer

“First release in a while on this Cologne label; the last one we had was the rather excellent Master’s Cosmic Music/Schlammpeitziger: Let The Star Shine In split LP. “New release on the label of Jan St. Werner (Mouse On Mars), F.X. Randomiz & J. Suchy. Lo-fi atmospheric ambience.” Beautiful droning passages that are in a similar league of with some of Schlammpeitziger’s post-Cluster movements alongside some disruptive but organically pleasant sectors with a similar feel to the TAU/1 CD. As with so much that comes out of the A-Musik camp this is a thrilling & pleasure-inducing document. Very minimal packaging which doesn’t list a whole lot of pertinent information.”

1. Zumslattack
2. Lift
3. Cosmokoz
4. Für Die Herbstsonnenfrau
5. Wecker
6. Buchenhüll 42