Neural Synthesis Nos 6-9

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“Derived from the score Neural Synthesis Plus used to accompany Merce Cunningham’s dance Enter, David Tudor’s album Neural Synthesis, Nos. 6-9 is a fascinating double-CD set with the composer performing on self-built electronics with the assistance of John D.S. Adams and Roger Warnatsch. The primary electronic instrument employed is a synthesizer constructed from sixty-four non-linear amplifiers (metaphorical neurons) with 10,240 programmable interconnections. This pattern emulates the neuron cells in the brain, and is capable of processing many analogue signals in parallel. Sixteen of the sixty-four “neurons” are connected in feedback loops to create sound oscillators, with tank circuits to control their frequencies. During a performance, Tudor will chose up to fourteen channels of output, further modifying them with other electronic devices … while he listens, learning patterns (heuristically) to which he responds by modifying his actions. For this recording, Tudor employed a new binaural technique for translating sound into out-of-head localizations, seemingly surrounding the listener. For all this technology, the sound results still reflect Tudor’s love of simple, characterful sounds that are often drolly humorous and otherwise not identifiable in any ordinary context.”