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“The project /2009/ started on 4th of january 2009 and ended on 13th december 2009. It is a succession of sound recordings made over the course of one year by ten artists who had each four weeks to respond to the recording of an unknown predecessor. They got no information other than the recording itself. Each recording is 7 minutes long and is accompanied by two pages in a diary. Recordings, diary and reflections are brought together in a audio book.
The aim was to investigate how we perceive music, in a more precise way than ‘I liked it’ or ‘it spoke to me’ and whether it is in any way possible to ‘understand’ experimental music. The proposition of the research-part of the project was that mis-understanding could lead to creative interaction, presupposing that there is an active and open listening.”

The involved artists were Julia Eckhardt, Chiyoko Szlavnics, Mieke Lambrigts, Manfred Werder, Annette Krebs, Tim Parkinson, Olivier Toulemonde, Manu Holterbach, Aernoudt Jacobs and Anne Wellmer.