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“Radioscapes is a record that invites the listener to discover the electromagnetic landscapes that surround us.

The two sides of the vinyl propose to listen and to observe two very different radio contexts: the Paris ring road (Side A) and an isolated farm in the French countryside (Side B). In each location, the whole radio spectrum was methodically recorded during a period of two weeks and then transcribed into a single audio track. On each side, an image representing the levels of the received frequencies is printed under the groove in synchronization with the sound.

Radioscapes is an exploration of existing artificial and natural signals. As the record rotates, the frequencies follow one another, as on a radio where the button would be slowly turned: one successively travels across Wi-Fi waves, mobile phones, hydrogen lines observed in astronomy, satellites exchanges, military and aeronautical communications, FM and AM radios, and thunderstorm interferences.

The record is accompanied by a silk-screened booklet that brings together a text by astrophysicist Eric Chassefière detailing the physical properties of radio waves and their implementation in radio astronomy and the protocol used to carry out the recording of waves.”

SIDE A. Malakoff – 48°49’13″N 2°18’37″E

Recorded in Uchronies, Malakoff, France in August 2015.
Electromagnetic context:
. Dense urban area
. 300 m from the Paris ring
. 4 km from the Eiffel tower emitter

SIDE B. Besseuil – 46°33’32″N 4°39’19″E

Recorded in Le Lieu Dit, Besseuil, France in April 2015.
Electromagnetic context:
. Isolated farm in rural area
. 500 m from a high speed train track
. 10 km from an aeronautical reporting point

Concept by Cécile Beau & Nicolas Montgermont.
Recordings & Data processing by Nicolas Montgermont.
Texts by Éric Chassefière.
English translation by Harold Schellinx.
Mastering by Yann Leguay.
Vinyl master by Flo Kaufmann.
Graphic design by Jean Baptiste Parré.

Produced by ARTKILLART – 2017
With the support of Rurart / CNAP / SCAN – DRAC & Région Rhône-Alpes / Uchronies / Lieu Dit / Désert Numérique

Nicolas Montgermont explores the physicality of waves in different forms. He is interested in the reality of waves in space, the way they move and change, the links between a source and our perception, by designing setups that create a sensitive exploration of their poetic essence. He works with sound waves mainly through the vibration of materials and their propagation, natural and artificial electromagnetic waves in the form of radio landscapes, gravitational and sidereal energies through the double prism astronomy / astrology.

He creates installations, often in collaboration with Cécile Beau and formerly in the Art of Failure collective, in which time is of particular importance and allows an intimate appropriation of these materials and energies, he is also active in the audiovisual performance field with chdh and in the experimental music with BCK and Yi King Operators. He has published several editions on Art Kill Art. His projects are shown in many centers in Europe and elsewhere (Club Transmediale, Elektra, MusikProtokoll, Fondation Vasarely, Palais de Tokyo, WRO, iMAL, PixelACHE, …).