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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 4

Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 4


Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 4

Vamilienfa†er returns to the waves of Mutant Radio, with the fourth instalment of his now monthly show „Elevating / Escalating“. This special edition puts a focus on the annual bohemian drips festival „Speicher – a festival for site specific music“ which takes place within the spaces of two old water reservoirs and is set to have its 5. anniversary this year, August 20th till August 22nd 2021. The show features five tracks from the five records that the label recorded in these spaces, like Mazen Kerbaj’ „Walls Will Fall“, Kulku’s first album, Tomoko Sauvage’s „Fischgeist“, Microtub’s „Sonic Drift“ and „A Journal of Elasticity“ by Axel Dörner & Richard Scott. To keep up its tradition, the show also features a 30min compact-disc guest-mix by Ipek Odabaşı (A.I.D.) from Istanbul, who is currently working at the Staalplaat record shop in Berlin. On top we get a sneak-preview into Ian Medinas concert, that he will perform for the opening of Speicher V.

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 3

Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 3


Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 3

Artist: Mat Pogo

01/07/21 13h

Third instalment of Vamilienfater bi-monthly show „Elevating/Escalating“ featuring music by Eliad Wagner , Ensembleluxnm , Broshuda , Thomas Vona and Dog Dimension , as well as a special CD Mix by Mat Pogo of Burp Enterprise, dug out from the archives of the Staalplaat record shop and a record selection by the host himself featuring contemporary Jazz, Ambient, Punk and Experimental. As usual, the show is held together by miniature skits of modular synthesis and field recordings, framing the chitter-chatter of our very own Vamilienfa†er.

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 2

mutant radio 240421


Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 2

24/04/21 19h Mutant Radio

E L E V A T I N G / E S C A L A T I N G 2

second instalment of my bi-monthly show at Mutant Radio – tonight
6pm london / 7pm berlin / 9pm tbilisi

featuring a compact disc guest-mix
by Laura Not from the Staalplaat back-stock of CDs

upcoming music on forms of minutiae
by Manja Ristić

preview of our upcoming bohemian drips.
“A Journal of Elasticity”
by Axel Dörner
& Richard Scott

music from
Mat Pogo
& Rosa Fernandes duo
“La Verge Rose”

scattered bits of modular
& field-recording works

as well as
a short but sweet selection
of dusty records

airing online via
Mutant Radio
this evening

artwork by
Eva Garland
monotype negative

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 1

Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 1


Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 1

We are happy to present a new show on our station: Elevating / Escalating w. Vamilienfa†er!
Elevating / Escalating“ is a bi-monthly show on Mutant Radio, hosted by the bohemian drips label-founder F. Vingerhoets aka Vamilienfa†er. Featuring experimental & contemporary music, ambient, noise and jazz. The show provides elevating soundscapes, mixes from physical media, such as vinyl, tape or CD, as well as recordings of concerts. The show escalates artists by featuring new releases and commissioned & remote works, as well as a forthcoming guest-mix series based on the CD Archive of the Staalplaat Record Shop in Berlin, where he worked as a clerk in 2018.

Listen in here:

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Abject Berlin Radio live broadcast IV

abject berlin radio iv


Abject Berlin Radio live broadcast IV

Live moderated sound art from the Staalplaat shop in Berlin Neukölln during opening hours: 14-18h

Every Thursday through June 2020.

LIVE STREAMING ON https://dfm .nu and https://p-node .org

Abject Berlin IV (25th June 14-18h from the Staalplaat shop basement) featuring:
https://frgmnt .org/frgmnt-soundpieces/
Guido Kohn
https://guidokohn.wixsite .com/website
Julian Bonequi
https://www.julianbonequi .com/
https://soundcloud .com/rgonko

https://www.facebook .com/events/265666021542314

— previous sessions included —

Abject Berlin III (18th June 14-18h from the Staalplaat shop basement) featuring:
Dr Nexus
https://soundcloud .com/dr-nexus
Elizabeta Kostadinovska
https://vimeo .com/user66550101
Mutant Cunt Sniffers
http://lastdominionlost.bandcamp .com/
http://www.auditionrecords .com/ar072.php
Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt
https://stadtsprachen .de/en/author/sean-derrick-cooper-marquardt/

https://www.facebook .com/events/290177678698370/
Stream here: http://tiny .cc/kb31qz

Abject Berlin II (11th June 14-18h from the Staalplaat shop basement) featuring:
https://soundcloud .com/bakakuri
Neandertallica Collectiv
https://soundcloud .com/flusspluss
https://soundcloud .com/ohmnoise
https://www.facebook .com/ohmnoise
Sacha Kahir
https://youtu .be/umFG707akOY

https://www.facebook .com/events/786256368574576/
Stream here:
http://tiny .cc/2bcqqz

Abject Berlin I (04 June 2020 14-18h from the Staalplaat shop basement) featuring:
Stories In Colour
https://www.reverbnation .com/storiesincolour
JD Zazie
Lady Gaby
https://soundcloud .com/lady-gaby
https://jealousyparty.bandcamp .com

https://www.facebook .com/events/257354555513523/
Stream here:
https://archive .org/details/abject_berlin_souterrain_sessions_1/01+Stories+In+Colour.aiff

co-organised and moderated by dienstbar

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Abject Berlin III June live broadcast

abject berlin radio 180620


Abject Berlin III June live broadcast

Abject Berlin III
live radio broadcast from the Staalplaat shop basement
Tune in http://dfm .nu + https://p-node .org

14h start

Dr Nexus
https://soundcloud .com/dr-nexus

Elizabeta Kostadinovska
https://vimeo .com/user66550101

Mutant Cunt Sniffer
http://www.auditionrecords .com/ar072.php

Sean Derrick Cooper Marquardt
https://stadtsprachen .de/en/artist/sean-derrick-cooper-marquardt/

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Abject Berlin live radio broadcast II

Abject Berlin Radio II


Abject Berlin live radio broadcast II

Abject Berlin live radio broadcast II
11/06/20 14h

Second live broadcast from the Staalplaat shop this Thursday 2-6pm Berlin time, during opening hours.

Tune in: https://dfm .nu and on https://p-node .org

https://soundcloud .com/bakakuri

Neandertallica Collectiv
https://soundcloud .com/flusspluss

https://soundcloud .com/ohmnoise

Sacha Kahir
https://youtu .be/umFG707akOY