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Mutant Radio Live Broadcast Opening Party

Mutant Radio Opening Berlin


Mutant Radio Live Broadcast Opening Party

On April 4th, we’re excited to announce the opening of Anagram Space and Mutant Radio’s joint new home and studio in Berlin! To celebrate, we’re hosting a full-day marathon with our friends and residents. Join us in person at Erlanger Str. 8 or tune in online — let’s kick off this new chapter together!

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Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 12

Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 12


Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 12

Elevating / Escalating w. Vamilienfater guests Etkin Çekin and Ian Medina.

This months episode of Vamilienfa†er’s “Elevating / Escalating” features a mix showcasing different shades of the label “Kinship” – provided by the labels founder Etkin Çekin. For the second part of the show Ian Medina contributed a very special mix, that elevates the guest-mix series from the Staalplaat record shop CD back stock with a 50 minute rework from tracks and sounds Medina picked up from the shops shelves.

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 11

Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 11


Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 11

Vamilienfa†er’s „Elevating / Escalating“ returns to its monthly instalment at Mutant Radio, with a guest mix from the Staalplaat Berlin Record Shop CD back stock by the musician & artist Eleni Poulou, formerly a part of the infamous British post-punk band „The Fall“. Also featured in the show: an exclusive 9 minute composition by the sound-artist Bilwa, based around his concept of „Un/Natural Fields“, as well as wide selection of sounds, music and songs that crossed the hosts attention in this last months.

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 10

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 10

Artist: JD Zazie

Tune in today 13h Berlin time for the latest Mutant Radio Tbilisi program Vamilienfater Elevating/Escalating featuring a guest mix from our extensive Staalplaat shop cd back catalogue compiled by sound artist JD Zazie. Open the windows, let the sun shine in!

For the second instalment of »Elevating / Escalating« in 2022 Vamilienfa†er presents a free-form selection of tunes & tracks: music from friends & family, lost treasures from his collection and tender sounds for the weary heads, as a remedy for the last drags of winter. For the second half of the show sound-artist & DJ JD Zazie from the Burp Enterprise Label contributes a well tempered compact-disk guest-mix, compiled from the Staalplaat Berlin back-stock.

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 9

mutant 120122


Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 9

Artist: Marlais

Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 9 — 12/01/22 13h

Friend & collaborator Vamilienfa†er of Bohemian Drips. starts into 2022 with his show “Elevating / Escalating” with another mix from our CD back stock – complied by Marlais.

The show also features a special on “Das Andere Selbst” great little Berlin label and guess what, we got a good bunch of their releases in stock!

Check our website or pop by the shop!
live on air in 5min from 1pm Berlin time for 2h straight!

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 8

Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 8


Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 8

Artist: Dokia

Another episode of Vamilienfa†er’s »Elevating / Escalating« on the waves of Mutant Radio – this month with some new music sent in by Ian Medina, from the trio »Sanchez« and the contrabass player »Giuseppe Bottigliéri«, as well as three exclusive live recordings from an in-store concert with Victoria Shen and Audrey Chen at the Staalplaat Record Shop Berlin, that took place on October 3rd 2021. Of course the show features another guest-mix from the Staalplaat CD back stock, this time by the Berlin/Bucharest DJ Dokia.
Artwork / Montype Sketch by Eva Garland.

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio – Live Broadcast from Staalplaat Shop

Mutant Live Broadcast 21


Mutant Radio – Live Broadcast from Staalplaat Shop

Mutant Radio – live Broadcast from Staalplaat Berlin

15h00-23h00 live broadcast from the shop

The underground online-radio station »Mutant Radio« from Tbilisi, Georgia is visiting Berlin and stops by at Staalplaat to stream some DJ Sets by friends, family and contributors of both the station and the store.

Pop by to say »Hi« and grab some records, tapes, zines, books or prints, while listening to some good music.
Or – tune in via

Vamilienfater [15 – 16]
Roberta WJM [16 – 17]
Dokia [17 – 18]
JD J [18 – 19]
Irakli [19 – 20]
Benji Hanoben [20-21]
Diamin [21 – 22]
Abel Minee [22 – 23]


https://mutantradio .net/
Artwork by Tengiz Begoidze.

Due to the current situation, please be respectful, take care of each other – testing at the test-centres is free again, so why not take one to be safe!
During the opening hours from 2-7pm the rules for shops apply, please make sure to wear a mask and keep your distance as advised.

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 7

Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 7


Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 7

Vamilienfa†er returns to Mutant Radio with his monthly instalment „Elevating / Escalating“, featuring a new guest mix from the Staalplaat CD back stock by Anna Bolena (Buttons / Idroscalo Dischi) as well as a little special on the Marionette label, some aquatic sound from the „forms of minutiae“ compilation „possible moistures“ and a spotlight on the sound-art project „Totes Holz / Dead Wood“ by Cristina Ertl-Shirley and Lena Mahler. As usual you can find some bits & bops in between, reaching from Italian Folk, to Japanese Psych by Jaguar No Me and some fruity Techno from Nottingham’s Wigflex Label.
Artwork by Eva Garland.

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 6

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 6

Today at 5pm Berlin time / 7pm Tiflis time _ live on air

“Elevating / Escalating” Episode 6 featuring a guest mix from the Staalplaat shop CD back-stock by Aude Langlois, as well as a little feature on the Portuguese cassette label OTA – “ostreamigos” and some picks from new records purchased lately at Staalplaat shop.

Monotype / Artwork by Eva Garland

Listen in here:

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Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 5

Mutant Radio Elevating Escalating 6


Mutant Radio Elevating / Escalating 5

Artist: Blech

Vamilienfa†er goes monthly with his show „Elevating / Escalating“ and invites Blech for his Staalplaat CD back stock mix series. The show features exclusive live recordings from bohemian drips „Speicher – festival for site-specific music“ – showcasing the concerts of Berke Can Özcan and Ian Medina. The rest of the show brings new and old sounds by Marlais, Aude Longois, Federico de Sanchez, Etkin, Low Bat & Reymour and Novoline feat. Monica Cipplone.

Listen in here: