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Neither Here Or There

neither here or there Matt Plezier ft. Zenevloed Collective


Neither Here Or There

“In the first few months of 2019 the Zenevloed collective organised a series of illegal raves at the Morgue / Amsterdam. Creating a temporary space where different disciplines meet.

“Disciplines benefit most from each other when intensively exposed to each other’s ecologies. Interlacing various media representing a whole concept of resistance is what we are attempting to get across.” (Zenevloed)

Inspired by the ephemeral nature of the raves, Matt Plezier created visual installations based on the the dystopian vision of Blade Runner, alienation and displacement; working with collages of media headlines, video and a sea of survival blankets. Art that only exists for the night as part of an experience that can be documented but not recreated.

Invited by Anagram Books, Matt Plezier will exhibit this work at Staalplaat/Berlin. A renowned institution, label, store and distribution of experimental music since 1982.

Opening night will be on Thursday August first at 20:00. There will be drinks, music, t-shirts, stickers, prints and zines.”

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Veine Sensible

Aude Carbone Veine Sensible


Veine Sensible

We are excited to welcome Aude Carbone to Berlin to show her work at Staalplaat this June & July! Original drawings, prints, books, DIY publishing, handmade dolls, posters and more!!!
Suckle suckle, Berlin!

French artist Aude Carbone is preparing a selection of her works for us, think monsters, creatures, six eyed women making your eyes swirl in their sockets, also guts, pink, blue lips, genitalia and contortions — what else could you possibly want?
Join us for the opening night!

Pour les Francophones:
“On pourrait épiloguer interminablement sur le parcours professionnel hasardeux et les errances de vie infinies qui ont mené Aude Carbone à faire ce qu’elle fait aujourd’hui, mais on entendrait vite fait ronfler même les fayots les plus assidus.

Autodidacte pour l’essentiel, 2012 marque une rupture fondamentale dans ses approches graphiques et artistiques, notamment par la découverte de la sérigraphie. Ses productions, ou accouchements d’images, vont alors se mettre à fouiller les viscères d’expériences vécues plus ou moins traumatisantes et mettre à vif les malaises chroniques d’êtres torturés dans leur corps et dans leur relation à l’autre. Tout un monde qu’elle aura l’occasion d’exposer à diverses occasions à Montpellier (2014), Bari (IT – 2016), Bruxelles (BE – 2016) Clermont-Fd (2016, -17, -18), Crest (Drôme – 2016, -17), Toulouse (2018) ou encore Marseille (2018) ou Arlanc (Puy-de-Dôme – 2018).

Non contente de noircir à son gré les feuilles qu’il lui tombe sous la main, la sérigraphie lui permet du reste d’encrer d’autres pages formant par la force des choses des livres, auto-édités avec les éditions EpOx et BoTOx qu’elle développe en parallèle depuis 2013, et qu’elle s’efforce de faire voyager… Toujours un peu plus loin.

Interview réalisée par Peter de Kuster et publiée sur le site The Heroine’s Journey”

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Staalplaat label design collection

staalplaat parasite logo


Staalplaat label design collection

Staalplaat shop presents a range of LPs and CDs from the ancient stock of the Staalplaat label in our shop. Big in the 80’s (or 90’s probably) Staalplaat label moved to Berlin in the early 2000s and separated itself definitively from the shop in 2007 with Guillaume Siffert taking over as new shop owner extraordinaire!

As the shop reopens, we selected a mini exhibition of the label’s ancient and rarely seen albums, including a few collectables of the label’s most repackaged faves: Muslimgauze. From the now Berlin based Staalplaat label’s numerous and still ongoing Muslimgauze releases, be it LPs or CDs and so on, digging the furthest corners of Muslimgauze’s apparently endless catalogue, alongside a more extensive display of the older ambient “Morts Aux Vaches” series of highly designed cds packaging, as well as a few other handmade rarities from way back when. All this is on display in the shop for a small nostalgic trip back to them days. Why not!!

This mini show runs throughout the month of May.

Opening 19:00 Saturday 09/05/2019

Staalplaat shop, Kienitzer Str. 108, corner Weisestr., 12049 Berlin, Neukölln
Metro U8 (navy blue line): Boddinstraße or Leinestraße (0min. from Alexander Platz). Bus 104, 167, 344: Herrfurthstraße.

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Pole Ka solo exhibition

Pole Ka Exhibition


Pole Ka solo exhibition

Artist: Pole Ka

“Pole Ka draws, dissects, and flays the body with surgical precision while composing her abrasive images with the needy hand of an artisan. She loses her strange characters in imaginary landscapes, in grotesque scenes. Visions straight from a cabinet of curiosities take shape; here we find animals, insects, plants, hybrid and monstrous characters, summoning medicine and religion, the encyclopaedia and ancient bestiaries, evoking the paintings of Bosch and Cranach, the surrealist collages of Ernst and Štyrský, the anonymous illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages.
Furthermore, the micr0lab monk-companions, scattered to the four winds, are long-time partners with Pole Ka in the publication and promotion of deviant fanzines, impossible games, staticky vinyl, and the organization of epic noise music nights.
Extravagant anatomies, extinct pathologies, forgotten landscapes : Pole Ka writes her own history of women and their suffering, draws a taxonomy inhabited by androgynous phantoms with troubled sexuality, and prints the blueprints of a crumbling world.

For this exhibition at Staalplaat shop, Pole Ka will present new drawings in the “Collapse” series at the beginning of the year, on the theme of ruin and downfall in addition to a selection of diverse drawings, etchings, silkscreens, books, and fanzines. All this will be generously celebrated with an explosive cocktail imagined especially for the occasion.”

Pole Ka’s official homepage: www.poleka .fr
Pole Ka’s Facebook : www.facebook .com/Pole-Ka-227052304005833

Exhibition duration: November 17th 2018 – February 25th 2019
Exhibition opening: November 17th, 7/11pm. Food and drinks on a free donation basis as usual! Support the underground!

Staalplaat shop, Kienitzer Str. 108, corner Weisestr., 12049 Berlin, Neukölln
Metro U8 (navy blue line): Boddinstraße or Leinestraße (10min. from Alexander Platz). Bus 104, 167, 344: Herrfurthstraße.

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There Is Fog On The Path

McClane exhibition


There Is Fog On The Path

“The Atelier Mcclane is an Artist duo from Rennes (France) formed in early 2013 by Julia Crinon and Hugo Marchal. Both graduated from the Fine Arts School of Rennes respectively in 2013 and 2015.

Their four-handed experimentations led them to the creation of a distinctive graphic style that they define in a variety of fields: wall drawing, installations, screen printing, publishing… although drawing remains their primary means of expression.

In constant evolution, their works verge between figuration and abstraction, and the duo are engaged in a process of questioning and playing with the traditional codes and conventions of their medium.

Their thinking themes evolve around the place of politics in daily life. They try to understand the way the systems of domination weigh on the sensitive individual and their environment. With Black, White and figuration they compose radical and symbolic images with many levels of interpretation and narration. Without answer or instructions, they project their visions, concerns and stands.

Seriously considering the way they work as a duo and its everyday life implications, the Atelier McClane cannot imagine working in any other than the Do It Yourself way.”

https://ateliermcclane .com/
https://www.facebook .com/AtelierMcClane/
https://www.instagram .com/ateliermcclane/

Exhibition duration: September 8th – November 15th
Exhibition opening: September 8th, 7/11pm. Food and drinks on a free donation basis as usual! Support the underground!

Staalplaat, Kienitzer Str. 108, corner Weisestr., 12049 Berlin, Neukölln
Metro U8 (navy blue line): Boddinstraße or Leinestraße (10min. from Alexander Platz). Bus 104, 167, 344: Herrfurthstraße.

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Doublebob Solo Exhibition

doublebob staalplaat flyer


Doublebob Solo Exhibition

And yet another exhibition opening at Berlin based record & book store Staalplaat! This time presenting a so far nameless selection of drawings, fanzines and books by French artist Doublebob. Filed under illustration, underground art, experimental comics, micro publishing, DIY.

https://dblbob.tumblr .com
http://www.fremok .org/site.php?type=P&id=40

Exhibition duration: July 21th – August 20th
Opening on July 21th, 7/11pm. >>> Snacks & drinks on a free donation basis!

@Staalplaat shop
Kienitzer Str. 108, corner Weisestr., 12049 Berlin, Neukölln
Metro U8 (navy blue line): Boddinstraße or Leinestraße (10min. from Alexander Platz). Bus 104, 167, 344: Herrfurthstraße.

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Instore Exhibition | Asphaltbibliotheque Berlin * Brandstifter

brandstifter exhibition


Instore Exhibition | Asphaltbibliotheque Berlin * Brandstifter

Staalplaat presents:

Asphaltbibliotheque Berlin
by Stefan Brand Stifter

Within the shop opening times:

28.06.18 – 10.07.18 // Mo-Sat // 2pm – 7 pm

from 11.07.18 // Mo-Sat // 12pm – 8pm


Since declaring all public space to Asphaltbibliotheque (Asphalt Library) in 1998 Aktionskuenstler Brandstifter (Firestarter) is collecting worldwide in performative walks lost or discarded messages in the form of sheets of paper with ephemeral notes, such as shopping lists, love letters, drawings or photographs for his archive. On the occasion of its 20th anniversary Brandstifter analyses his Berlin collection to collage an exclusive wall installation that scetches life in Berlin supported by fieldrecordings from public space. During the exhibition, visitors are asked to bring their own finds from Berlin to take part in the participative action.

New release: Asphaltbibliotheque Berlin (artzine with CDr) V.E.B. Freie Brandstiftung/Flux on Demand 018

Aktionskünstler Brandstifter hat 1998 alle öffentlichen Straßen und Plätze zur Asphaltbibliotheque erklärt und ist seitdem weltweit unterwegs, um verlorene oder weggeworfene Botschaften in Form von Zetteln mit flüchtigen Notizen, wie Einkaufszetteln, Zeichnungen oder Fotos in performativen Begehungen vom Boden für sein Archiv zu sammeln. Brandstifter wertet zum 20. Jubiläum seine Sammlung mit Berliner Fundstücken aus und collagiert eine Wandinstallation, die das Leben in Berlin, unterstützt durch Fieldrecordings aus dem öffenlichen Raum, skizzenhaft abbildet. Während der Ausstellung können Besucher*innen eigene Fundzettel aus Berlin mitbringen, um an der partizipativen Aktion teilzunehmen.


Staalplaat Shop
Kienitzer Str. 108, Eg rechts. Laden Ecke Weisestr. 12049 Berlin, Neukölln, Germany (Metro U8 -navy blue line-, Boddinstrasse or Leinestrasse)

Event on FB:

https://www.facebook .com/events/402501383568986/

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Crazy Cats & Co

Crazy Cats & Co exhibition by Ines Melinat


Crazy Cats & Co

Ines Melinat is based in Alt-Buckow, Berlin. She is creating decorative artworks of cats, abstract collages and mixed media works on canvas.

Staalplaat is presenting a selection of her recent works in our shop/gallery.

@ Staalplaat
Kienitzer Str. 108, Eg rechts. Laden Ecke Weisestr. 12049 Berlin, Neukölln, Germany (Metro U8 -navy blue line-, Boddinstrasse or Leinestrasse)

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Buzztallica, Master Of Knockoffs

Bad Buzz Buzztallica Exhibition


Buzztallica, Master Of Knockoffs

Artist: Bad Buzz

Master Of Knock-offs
Bad Buzz Solo Exhibition

Exhibition duration: April 21st – May 23rd (Mo-Sa, 12/8pm; May 1st, 10th and 21st closed due to bank holiday)

Exhibition opening on Saturday, April 21st, 6pm.
Booze and Food on a Free Donation basis.

Selling x 30 Framed Original drawings for a one time stupid price of €100 each.
Available to buy on-line the following week from the Staalplaat website.

“Will be great to see old, new heads and the virtual people I’ve met on here. Thanks to Gui for setting this up.”
Instagram – @bad_buzz
Tumblr – http://bad-buzz.tumblr .com
Shop – http://badbuzz.bigcartel .com

Staalplaat shop
Kienitzer Str. 108, Eg rechts. Laden Ecke Weisestr. 12049 Berlin, Neukölln, Germany (Metro U8 -navy blue line-, Boddinstrasse or Leinestrasse)

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Exhibition: Inox Kapell Mutations Zeichnungen & Release Presentations

Inox Kapell


Exhibition: Inox Kapell Mutations Zeichnungen & Release Presentations

Staalplaat Instore

Inox Kapell „Mutations Zeichnungen“

Release Presentations by
Le Petit Mignon | Mozzarella | bohemian drips

Due to delays on production, we were unfortunately not able to do a proper product presentation of these upcoming three releases at „Voorspel op Staalplaat“ in February.

We will now get together to toast to these releases! All three products will be for sale at a special release price – Cocktails & Catering by the mighty Insultor!

Δ Exhibition – Vernissage Δ

INOX KAPELL – Mutations Zeichnungen – Channeling Drawings

Since over 30 years the artist Inox Kapell is doing fluxus drawings, as ready made on „Bratwurstdeckeln“, picturing themes of the modern world, extra-terrestrial lifeforms and fantastic mutants. The artist is living in a vision full of UFOs, insektoids and strange objects, from which he tries to think and describe the world we live in.

Inox Kapell is part of the Improvisation Ensemble “Die Milchstraße Flockt” – which recorded a site specific album at “Schloss Freudenberg” in 2017, to be released as binaural LP via bohemian drips. – more information below.

http://bit .ly/2ioyTRI


Le Petit Mignon: Split 7“
Klaus Legal & Spettro Family | „Pozor Bed“ & “Psychotic TV”

Release of the long-awaited new release by Staalplaat Berlin In-House Label „Le Petit Mignon“, featuring 2 Tracks from french artist Klaus Legal & 3 Tracks from the Italian composer Steve Spettro aka Spettro Family.

Limited to 320 copies, hand numbered, folded cover.

Artwork by Gosia Bartosik


Mozzarella – Parallel Memory Pillow
http://bit .ly/2ErvrvB

Limited Edition of 30 copies, Including a 29.7×29.7cm 2-colour riso print on 150g paper.

Mozzarella is the ambient side project of DJ Die Soon, who is usually known for his heavy bass infused, abstract-breakbeat and progressive dance floor sound, as witnessed by many of you at some grimey basement party or through his Boiler Room appearance in 2017.

„Parallel Memory Pillow“ is taking a dreamy side-drift into more slow-motion groves, full of „thick as marsh-mellow fluff“ scapes and is strongly affiliating with the sonic aesthetics of hypnagogic vaporwave, constantly on the verge to some kind of lo-fi instrumental hip hop.

The release is accompanied by a limited edition riso-print of the artwork, on 150g paper.


„bohemian drips. presents | Die Milchstraße Flockt“

Limited edition of 500 copies, hand numbered, incl. Booklet.

While the production of “bohemian drips’“ latest release – “Iván Paz’ Visions of Space“ [BD007] – was dedicated to the exploration of virtual space in a physical context, the label’s next “binaural“ in-house production reaches out to new recording ethics. “Die Milchstrasse Flockt“ [BD008] marks a turning point in the label’s history, as a group of Berlin based artists got together only for this record: The quintet consisted of Ruth-Maria Adam, Alexander P. Jovanovic, Inox Kapell, Josefine Lukschy and Alexander Meurer. They have no collective history or collaborative back- ground – the group was only set to drive out to “Schloss Freudenberg“, a looming Chateau built in 1905, with a truckload of instruments. Their aim was to embrace the possibilities of the space, its historic collection of rare and strange instruments and its acoustics. Formed organically through the time spent in the castle, the album turned out to be an obscure yet beautiful assemblage of strange noises and sounds, staged and amplified through the space itself and the perspective of a “KU-100“ dummy-head microphone. All music was created with a wide range of acoustic instruments and unique sound devices, captured in binaural “Kunstkopf Stereofonie“. Thus, listening to this record with headphones will relocate you directly to the actual recording scenario.
http://bohemiandrips .de/


Staalplaat Berlin Shop
Kienitzerstr. 108 / Corner Weisestr.
12049 Berlin