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God’s Fox

Charles Gordon Montgomery God's Fox


God’s Fox

Book launch 27 May 22 19h
Exhibition runs until 29 June 22

“God’s Fox” photographs by Charles Gordon Montgomery
Published by Pariah Press
exhibition and book launch

“Meet Charles Gordon Montgomery, ex-boilerman at Prestwich “mental” hospital, hard liver with a hard-liver, and the best British photographer you’ve never heard of.”

Photographs from the book will be on show and will be for sale in our shop.

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Kutlul #14 Ultra Nice

Kutlul 14 launch


Kutlul #14 Ultra Nice

The 14th issue of our beloved mega-zine is out!
It’s ultra nice!

with great contributions from these wonderful artists:
LiLli Loge, Marcel Ruijters, Emil Korngold, Mykle Hansen, Argibald, Martien Bos, Crippa Almqvist, Marc van Elburg, Vanita en Johanna Monk, Bas van Tuijl, Mustafa Kandaz, Dr. H. Neipold, Vera Bekema, Al Burian, Marc Kolle, Christopher Sperandio, Ewan Cameron, Mat Pogo, Japio de la Hiti, Teddy T en Glenn Peeters, Daniele Murtas, Markus Lesmeister, Andy Leuenberger, Adrian Abudraham and of course your humble editors:
Joost Halbertsma and Dirk Verschure

We will show some original pages and find inner peace.
Come see what that smells like

Al Burian will play a rare and never to be repeated solo music set!!!

https://microcosmpublishing .com/catalog/books/47

This is a 2G event, please bring proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test.