Tankstelle Selbst Tanken

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A4 21×29 cm, 24pp, unbound loose sheets, b&w,

“Unbound pages let publication fold out and be ready for new order, interpretations, linking trespassing moment of skaters giving abandoned gas station new form, stage questioning of forms and perceptions

Tankstelle embodies some of Vutuc main points of interest in regards to the hypertrophic evolution of contemporary society: on the one hand, the cementation and privatization of natural and public spaces; on the other hand, the subversive yet playful re-appropriation of such spaces in both physical and symbolic terms.

Christian Hemmer, Lukas Garbaciauskas, Paulo Borquez, Carolina Gamboa Marguez, Palermo, Dor Braver, Max Alexander Schofer, Julian Thyssen.

incl link to Super8 film “Tankstelle”, Tourné Monté. Soundtrack: Sergej Vutuc”