Kliida Klaada Kluuda

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15x21cm, 36 pages, full colour, softcover, 2016.

“EEEE…. What mind?
– too many fingers on a hand
– the physical principles of Ghostbusters’ man-portable particle accelerator system AND the differences between the characters of the movie and the comic
– measuring everything, I mean, like, everything

Kliida Klaada Kluuda features Tuomas Tiainen’s recent art works. Every single square millimetre of this average-sized art booklet is filled with colour, sparkle, and an invasion of recurring shapes and characters that include, for example, hands with unusual number of digits. Words are uttered every now and then, very important words even, but to dive in head-first, reading is not compulsory. The world is filled with everything and yes we are doomed, so why worry about such abstracts as “meaning” or “truth”?”