Many Lives: A Cat Coloring Book

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Colouring book with drawings by Anna Bas-Backer, Stefan Endewardt, Daniela Poch, Jessamy Dipper, Flora Whiteley, Felipe Castillo, Aurora Munoz, Katja von Helldorff, David Buob, Lotte Price, Francisca Villela, Ursula Döbereiner, Lucia Caleta, Ana Luisa Norambuena, Sandra Haselsteiner, Femke Knol, Sabine Rollnik, Froukje Knol, Maria Paz Grandjean, Boris Azemar and Nick Thalhuber.

Edited by Amelia Bande & Annette Knol
Publishing Puppies #3
Second Edition, 140 copies
24 pages, 20,5 x 29,5cm
Printed by Copyroboter at Kotti-Shop, Berlin