Costumbres y Medidas

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“Co-edition between Enfant Terrible/Gooiland Elektro and Màgia Roja.

Inspired lyrically by the writings from The Process Church and Hindu conception of time, Viktor Hurtado (Dame Area, Ordre Etern, Qa’a) drops this 12″ with some of the freshest industrial you can find around, distinguished by rhythms that feel like decaying machinery about to collapse.

The influence of being the resident DJ at Magia Roja is definitively perceived on the record, trading a fine line between subtlety and corrosion, where at first glance random noises/feedbacks evolve into hypnotic patterns and songs.”

A1. Cada vez mas cerca
A2. Construir – Destruir
B1. Costumbres y medidas
B2. Las fuerzas grises (nos estan rodeando)