Diggin’ In
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“Kristian Poulsen and Anders Lauge Meldgaard have played together on many occasions around the experimental music and art scene in Copenhagen. They have played a lot in various improvised guitar groups, exploring the possibilities of using small battery powered guitar amps to enable concerts in obscure places around the city of Copenhagen, as well as getting into intense loud guitar trance improvisations performed on huge, heavy guitar stacks in art galleries and venues like Mayhem etc. These electric guitar experiments have also been a strong influence on Anders Lauge Meldgaards compositions “Musik for seks elektriske guitarer” released last year by Jvtlandt and yoyooyoy.
The first time Poulsen and Meldgaard played together as a guitar/saxophone duo, was in the employs restroom of Copenhagen Jazzhouse doing yoyooyoy’s multi locational concert installation called “Alone together; Burger” in 2009. The extreme intimacy of this performance led to the desire of doing recordings together.
The music in this present recording as an improvisation recorded directly to 2-track tape by the two artist them self, no post production or else was made later in the process.
Mads Vestrup is a painter located in Vienna and running the label Halloween Creativity, releasing small editions with hand printed silkscreen covers.
Diggin’ In is released as 75 12″ vinyl records and 33 cassette tapes.
Etching on the 12″ vinyl and silkscreen cover by Mads Vestrup, 1 sided vinyl.”