Now I’m Shedding

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“Part 2 of the “what started it all” series…Connor Bell (Shedding) became a friend of ours a while back through that magical place we know as “the internet.” I knew of him through his other musical project at the time, the band Parlour. What I learned about him was his supreme knowledge of all things musical. Connor possessed an incredibly varied but discerning taste in music; always willing to share, he introduced us to tons of new music which now stand as some of our all time favourites. At some point, he sent us some music that he had made under the name, Shedding. (Attention biographers: This was around the same time Paul sent us his the beginnings of what became his debut album). I remember burning it to cd, getting in the car with Sara and driving to the local fancy gas station to pick up a late night beverage. As we listened to it the first, then second, and third time in a row we said almost simultaneously “We should totally put this out.” And that was that.

When asked about format, Mr. Bell sided with vinyl. The music was actually the product of a performance in Louisville, Kentucky. The performance had a natural low point midway through and thus was perfectly suited to be cut into two distinct sides for a record. Procuring an artist was left up to us, and having been a distant follower of Jay Ryan and The Bird Machine in Chicago I knew we had to take a chance. Jay loved Connor’s music and agreed to draw and hand print 12″x24″ posters to be folded in half and made into the cover of the record. Needless to say, we were beside ourselves. Connor’s music is difficult to describe, but something along the lines of “whirrrrr-grrind-poppy-clickkin-humm-fuzzzysnap-shhhake-boooooom” should suffice I would hope. If you are familiar with the Mouse on Mars, Microstoria, et al camp you should probably get this.”