Improvisations January 1997

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“An improvised music acid trip for instruments, voice and electronics by the GOL orchestra and the now defunct Telinga ensemble navigating on the darkest waters of psychedelia.

Five long tracks recorded 14 years ago in an icy flat in Pigalle, Paris with Ravi Shardja (bass guitar), Olivier Maurel (cello, objects), Emmanuel Quentin (guitar, prepared guitar), Cathy Mai (drums, vocals), Frédéric Rebotier (percussions, flutes, objects), Samon Takahashi (real-time mix, electronics). Listening to this record
will fulfil the most adventurous and twisted ears engaging the freedom of the bodies and the mystery of not-yet-registered dances.

Edition limited to 240 copies with sensational full colour gatefold sleeve and breath-taking inside cover painting by Jean-Marcel Busson.”