Claypipe / Pony Payroll Bones / Balder

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*************”claypipe are 2 dudes who sit in a circle with their instruments in front of them, after a few puffs on a claypipe & a couple swigs of whisky they close their eyes & get into the groove of the universe & sway & hum & pluck & saw. sometimes the recordings are outside, sometimes the recordings are inside, inside/outside, outside in, inside out, reformed hippies, remembering a lost New Zealand from the 70s/80s, sigh.”

*************PonY PayRoLL Bones is about being alone and being gone. Anybody can be a haunted house. Your body is a shelter for a ghost/or ghosts.

*************BALDER : Collection of home recordings based around nostalgia, sci-fi/fantasy felt as a kid.

A1. Claypipe For The Creek: Kaituna / Owhiro
B1. Pony Payroll Bones Ghosting God
B2. Pony Payroll Bones Open Field
B3. Pony Payroll Bones Turkey Vulture
B4. Pony Payroll Bones Sugar Valley
B5. Pony Payroll Bones Eventless Sleep
B6. Pony Payroll Bones Memory And No Blue Jay
B7. Pony Payroll Bones Bad Money Blues Skinned Alive
B8. Pony Payroll Bones Awful Years Forward
B9. Balder Gorgeous Kittens
B10. Balder Quartz Crystals
B11. Balder An Absence
B12. Balder Stronghold Stoop (June 2009)
B13. Balder Alteration Of Classical Piece Being Rehearsed By Music Major During A Supposed Shooting