情別的海岸 Farewell Coast

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Taiwanese singer.
|龍飄-飄~ Long Piao Piao 情別的海岸 Farewell Coast

“16 Songs that will make you indulge in the melody
You are drunk in the melody
绝对经典濃行經值听享受 An absolute classic that is worth listening to and enjoying”

A1. 惜别的海岸 Farewell to the Coast 3’30”
A2. 不知怎么办 I don’t know what to do 4’23”
A3. 等你回航 Waiting for you to return 3’31”
A4. 今夜雨蒙蒙 It’s raining tonight 4’07”
A5. 舞女 Dancing girl 3’39”
A6. … 3’10”
A7. 我没醉 I’m not drunk 3’20”
A8. 相见不如怀念 It’s Better to Miss You than to Meet You 3’57”
B1. 午夜香吻 Midnight Kiss 4’13
B2. 后悔爱上你 Regret Falling in Love with You 3’07”
B3. 梦在你怀中 Dreaming in Your Arms 3’15”
B4. 情人桥 Lover’s Bridge 3’01”
B5. 往日的旧梦 Old Dreams of the Past 3’56”
B6. 月儿像柠檬 The Moon is Like a Lemon 3’48”
B7. 昨夜星辰 Last Night’s Stars 3’25”
B8. 怎能再回头 How Can I Look Back 4’49”