何日才相会 When Will We Meet Again?

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王潔實 Wang Jieshi 謝莉斯 Xie Lisi

Accompaniment by small band of Guangzhou Song and Dance Ensemble of Guangzhou University. Male and female duet.

A1. 校園的早晨 Morning on campus 02:42
A2. 外婆的澎湖灣 Grandma’s Penghu Bay 03:02
A3. 何日才相會 When will we meet? 02:58
A4. 追求 Pursuit 02:55
A5. 踏着夕陽歸去 Going back with the sunset 02:21
A6. 龍船調 Dragon Boat Diao 03:12
A7. 紅河谷 Red River Valley 04:36
A8. 九九艷陽天 Ninety-nine sunny days 02:23
A9. 不老的爸爸 The Ageless Dad 02:11
B1. 祝願歌 Wishes Song 02:02
B2. 婚誓 Wedding Vows 04:42
B3. 赤足走在田埂上 Walking barefoot on the ridge of the field 02:28
B4. 婚禮之歌 Wedding Song 02:32
B5. 跑馬溜溜的山上 Paoma Liuliu Mountain 02:34
B6. 我多想摘下一片雲 How I want to pick off a cloud 02:02.
B7. 難訴相思 It’s hard to express lovesickness 04:04
B8. 紛紛飄墜的音符 Falling notes 01:58
B9. 敖包相會 Aobao meeting 02:24