Work For GV 2004-2008

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“Peter Rehberg’s collaboration with the Paris based puppeteer and choreographer, Gisèle Vienne began in 2001, with the production of the DACM piece ‘ShowroomDummies’, followed by ‘Stereotypie’ in 2003.
In 2004, Vienne started to direct under her own name and began to work on pieces collaborating on text with US author, Dennis Cooper. This CD is a document of selected audio parts of all Gisèle Vienne productions made between 2004 and 2008, except for the epic ‘Kindertotenlieder’, whose audio material was presented on the various KTL releases in 2006 and 2007 (eMEGO 084, eMEGO 085).
The range here is vast from the upfront noise excess of the ‘I Apologize’ (2004) tracks to the lonely synth passages which were used in ‘Une Belle Enfant Blonde’ (2005), and the sad coda used for ‘Jerk’, which began as a radio play for Radio France Culture in 2007, before being adapted for stage in 2008.
The opening ‘Murder Version’ is a version of the recording ‘Meurtre’ by Catherine Robbe-Grillet & Jonathan Capdevielle, which was released as a single sided 12” vinyl in 2005 (UBEB 001), and is to be considered as a tribute to the Alain Robbe-Grillet film ‘Glissements progressifs du plaisir’ (1974).
Although this material was intended for consumption in a theatrical setting, it has been edited with domestic use in mind ultimately representing that the grey zone where puppetry, literature, contemporary theatre & dance, visual art, and extreme computer music meet.”