Boazeria [higherlowerslowerfaster] – reissue

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“Mik.Musik.!.’s bestseller available again! Is here after the long break. So we are glad. After some years passed since its original release this music gets more strength. We see it now as the one of the most crazy and freaky records of polish phonographic sphere ever. It’s the mix of everything with everything. Electronics with acoustics, composition with deconstruction, joy with sadness, intelligence with ambivalence, told with unspoken, careless with careful, less with full. We try to be objective, it is possible from a such distance. Full of subjectivism.
Many styles, which passed in, by, and on since its original release, helped BOAZERIA to be understood better now – abstract hip hop, weird folk, bastard-pop, revivals and nojazz improvisation – such lessons were widely and wildly taken. Have we been visionaries? Futurologists? Whatever, anyway, somehow, who knows.

Boazeria will catch some new breath now. Can be magnetic, bioenergotherapic, relaxing. Useful in aromatherapy. But it can’t be a tapestry background muzak, it is definitely too much absorbing, can be unnerving and annoying. But if you caress this music well, it will pleasantly hit you back with its warmth, urgh, volcanic heat.”