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Marc-Alexandre Reinhardt (drums, Hyena Hive) meets Steve Bates (guitars and electronics).

The debut release from Lanterner was recorded in a scummy practice pit and a high end media arts research institute. Borrowing the keys, late at night, this release was culled from live sessions, practice sessions, late night overdubs and mistakes. A quickly fastened mic in a practice space to carefully mic’d headphones in a cardboard box – techniques chosen for mood gold not textbooks. These songs Throb and Drift with a Lean Tension and pulsing, dreamt, attempt at escape(s), duly watched over by the still anxious ghosts of The Minutemen and This Heat… Lanterner swings between the rock, noise and drone. Sets can weigh more to one side of the triad depending on the mood in the room, but typically songs shift back and forth between a rock’n’roll set up of guitars and drums and the murkier fields of improvised electronics. Not ruthlessly aggressive or saccharinely sweet, Lanterner rocks and zones out in equal measure. Spontaneous and driven, (not) improvised and savoured over. A great economy of (unmeditated) restraint within open conditions, the dense and the sparse as equal actors. The hard cut, borrowed from film montage plays a key element. Here (hear) the edit imposes itself on
the live set. Lanterner reads and rocks. They love both and see a wide birth for these influences in rock music. Virginia Woolf and Herman Melville lend song titles. The body and the brain. Some soul and sweat too. Lanterner is Marc-Alexandre Reinhardt, also of the much-loved Montréal noise duo, Hyena Hive, and Steve Bates, Winnipeg-raised noise guitar. They found each other at a backyard BBQ in Montréal. A three hour, no discussion practice session sealed their current fate. They love making music together. As much as Lanterner can so magically transport to the stark, uneasy, pastorally tilting worlds of the old NZ Noise and to what is still rattling from some of the greater US Post Punk adventures….. This hauntingly fierce and naked sound is made unmistakably Now, in Montreal, coming out from the city itself. Its warm concrete and revealed skin. ‘take me out tonight….i don’t care i don’t care i don’t care i don’t… care.”’