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“Their 2. recording is a haunting group of songs driven by lush guitar tone, piano and upright bass. Featuring members of California bands Cars Get Crushed and Evergreen.”

“Winfred E. Eye hail from Oakland, California to bring you pure homegrown music. After the local heroes Cars Get Crushed and the Holy Evergreen have ended, Aaron Calvert and Mikel Garmendia felt the urge to continue with something fulfilling, something to portray the Southern Californian landscape and coastline that’s surrounding them. Lush acoustic guitar and piano combined with a vocal style that, a bit more accentuated and precise could easily compare to Nick Cave’s voice… this little gem will please fans of Black Heart Procession, Godspeed You Black Emperor! and other people who find themselves in the more dark corners of life… soft, sad and lovely – a great record for sure. “ (Insound)