Untitled 275

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“Untitled #275 is the second release on UNSOUNDS by the sound artist Francisco López. It is a two part work based on a radical reconception of the piano. Movement 1 is a composition created for Reinier van Houdt that utilizes some extreme preparations, it is a 20 minute tour de force. Movement 2 is a studio sound transformation of the initial piano part, where one hears the exploded and recombined sonorities of the piano taking on an immersive sonic dimension as one has come to expect of López’s work in the last years. The collaboration with Ensemble MAE musician Reinier van Houdt has produced an intriguing and original work of instrumental music, a highlight in López’s oeuvre.

Francisco López is internationally recognized as one of the major figures of the underground experimental music scene. Over the last twenty five years he has developed an astonishing sonic universe, absolutely personal and iconoclastic, based on a profound listening of the world. He has realized hundreds of concerts, projects with field recordings, and sound installations in 50 countries, he has an extended catalogue of sound pieces, and he has been awarded twice with honorary mentions at the competition of Ars Electronica Festival.”