20 Zonen

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“Produced in 2010 for a radio broadcast on Germany’s hr2-kultur radio, “20 Zonen” (20 Zones) is Marc Behrens’ homage to Darmstadt, Germany, his hometown, and in particular the city’s Kranichstein district, where he grew up and learned to listen. Behrens made recordings in such locations like an equestrian club, a heavy ion research unit, a railway museum, and of trains and airplanes noisily cutting through the supposed serenity of the industrially planted forests around Darmstadt. From time to time the subjective microphone goes underwater and dips into the area’s various ponds, among them the world famous Messel Pit Fossil site, which used to be a rainforest millions of years ago, not unlike the Amazon still is today. The intricately edited material is arranged into zones that “form themselves into cells, into blocks, into a topophonic cross vein” (Stefan Fricke, hr2-Kultur), set in a grey area between musique concrète and phonography.”