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“The music created by YUKITOMO HAMASAKI includes a lot of worthy elements and features. His music is possible to put into context within the sounds that surround us, in a sense, it could be called selfless music, It’s like a clear window. It’s as if we’re looking at  or listening to a landscape through a window or a microscope. The elements of the sound landscape are expanded to an extent in which the focus is constantly shifting. I feel as if these sounds, such as both a distant and closer bell sound, the sound of a train, insects, birds , a human being’s voice, and an aircraft, are filtered with winds. At the same time, the basic structure of it’s soundscape gives me an explicit sense of a landscape which has been deformed.
I appear to be that it’s composed of only the integral important parts and  it’s like” Cheap Imitation” by John Cage against ”Socrates” by Eric Satie.

The more you listen to it, the more you have new experiences, due to the fine clashes of his delicately crafted sounds, the diffusible tones and sound environments.” Christophe Charles