Broken Sounds Of A Dying Culture

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“The year is 1996 I was surfing on cold waves through the very heart of Linkopia, night after night it was all the same. Sleeping in the Karmanik basement seduced by delirium echoing between white concrete walls. I could hear the equipment slowly disintegrating as I put out the light, broken sounds of a dying culture. This might be the erosion of history eternally scraping on the crown of mankind…or was it just the decline of my personal belongings after  years of abuse… and was there any difference between the two theories?  I stretched out my limb and pressed the record-button.” – Lina Baby Doll.

Originally released by Entartete Musikk in 1996 as a limited edition LP. Now available in cd format with totally remastered sound, new artwork and bonus tracks from the Religion of Hate 7″ in original extended versions. A must for all the fans of Lina’s works who somehow missed the vinyl version! Format: CD, A5 folding cover