Let’s The Sun Drag Itself Out Into A Long Ray

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“P Jørgensen is a composer & sound artist based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
His current work is primarily based on heavily computer processed acoustic instruments and field recordings which are turned into luminous textures, crystalline tones and vibrant ambient drones. “Recalling an early experiment at the age of twelve that involved overdubbing worn cassette tapes so many times that several recordings were heard on top of each other, jørgensen has been devoting his pieces to a study of composition, chance, and the intersection between the two for the past few years.
Though indeterminacy and generative systems play a significant role in the software he uses to create the tracks, he’s also interested in simply creating special, inimitable spaces within the sounds.
By focusing on timbre and texture, jørgensen’s atmospheric tracks seem to take on the properties of a morning’s fog or the glow of reflected light.”