Just Before Dawn

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What we are here presenting is one of the most intimate releases we produced ever. Luca Miti is a “strange” kind of composer and musician. He has the uncommon attitude to make private experiences and let them become “public” in a very natural way.
Primarily known for his compositions (most of them unconventional and “experimental” in the best sense) and impro-live-written collaborations, he’s also a “perfomer” with many different sides. One of these aspects is shown in this album. This is really an “album” in the broader sense. It contains pieces that are “images of life” for Luca. They are parts of his own musical essence. The daily activities, the loving moments, the earliest listening, the deep influences, all of this is comprised in this “lovely” compilation. The Piano is the “classic” instrument of Luca. He’s not the incredibly skilled performer, but he’s, to me, the “real” performer. And, most important, he really “understand” (‘cause he loves it) the music he plays. This CD is not only a collection of beautiful pieces by more or less known contemporary composers. It’s, first of all, a gift that Luca makes to himself and to us, trying to communicate his own experience. You’ll have the chance to discover some little gems in it. And you’ll have the opportunity to listen to them in the most
“honest” way you can do.