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Following two bumper 12”s, this remix cd compiles all those tracks and adds a couple more for good measure. I’m always very suspicious of these remix cash-in projects, I mean what do they really add to the original tracks? In this case some of the tracks bear little or no resemblance to the originals so what exactly is the point? Well I guess you look at it as a themed compilation, and in that respect Staubgold excel. With really enviable contributions from David Last, Aoki Takamasa, Noze, Jan Jelinek, Radian, Secondo and more this is a bumper package, and surprisingly there’s very little filler. Jelinek’s mix is the real killer on offer here, a looping jazz jaunt that conjures memories of his unbelievable first album ‘loop finding jazz records’. It’s unlikely that Jelinek will ever venture into this territory again on an album, so it’s nice to hear him going back to what he clearly has a great talent for. Another highlight is an unusual mix from Austrian avant trio Radian, fusing samples with their trademark noisy experimentation. A good mix of sounds and styles, this is one remix album that’s definitely worth further investigation.

1. Matt (David Last’s Doki Doki Rock Mix) Remix – David Last 6:25
2. After The Rain (Aoki Takamasa Remix) Remix – AOKI Takamasa 3:52
3. Lichterloh (Nôze Remix) Remix – Nôze 4:57
4. Unstet-Schleifen (Jan Jelinek Remix) Remix – Jan Jelinek 6:45
5. Absencen (Sutekh Remix) Remix – Sutekh 4:43
6. Nachtwache (Lump200 Remixed) Remix – Lump200 5:39
7. Unstet (Secondo Reshuffle) Remix – Secondo 6:00
8. Radian On Equilibrium (Radian Remix) Remix – Radian 3:48
9. Shibboleth (Hans Appelqvist Remix) Remix – Hans Appelqvist 4:58
10. Matt (Pocket Pet Mix) Remix – David Last, Pocket Pet 6:11