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Following up on Ronnie Sundin’s 2001 CD Sleepwalk (released under the moniker Rsundin), Morphei remains in the foggy area between the states of being awake and dreaming. The title refers to the way scenes and events uncontrollably morph into each other in the mind of the daydreamer. This EP is comprised of a single piece, 30 seconds short from the 30-minute mark. Most of the sounds happen at the threshold of audibility, confusing the senses, especially if you listen on loudspeakers. It could cause one to think, “Have I dreamt that sound? Was this real? Did it come from the surroundings or the CD?” Analog and digital sources are sculpted into tiny details, short and impossible to relate to something genuinely identifiable. The piece nourishes the listener’s attention, but one comes out of it restless and somewhat unsatisfied. Not as conclusive as Sleepwalk, it moves closer to the lowercase aesthetics of John Hudak and Bernhard Günter.