Lady Fantasy EP

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All songs created by Jason Forrest, Cock Rock Disco studios, Berlin and New York, from 2002-2005.

“Electro-prankster Jason Forrest spun his wheels for a number of years under the name ‘Donna Summer’ before he reverted to his given name, Jason Forrest. As with many artists, with the name change came a rebirth, of sorts, for Forrest, whose debut full-length, The Unrelenting Songs Of The 1979 Post Disco Crash (Sonig) was one of the surprise hits of the 2004. Combining mash-up technology with a smarmy wit rarely seen this side of Kid606, Forrest exposed the grumpy ole codger in a room full of bloggers during the 2004 Mutek festival, making good on the age old ‘all press is good press’ axiom. 2005 should prove to be a big year for Forrest: his new EP, Lady Fantasy features a guest appearance by David Grubbs, among others.”

A1. The Work Ahead Of Us
A2. Lady Fantasy
A3. The Lure Of You
A4. Sperry And Foil
B1. Fauvist Respoke