Object 2

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“Kyle Bruckmann (on English horn, suona, and electronics) and Ernst Karel (trumpet and electronics), collectively known as EKG, continue Locust Music’s Object Series (Object 1 was a set of five duets featuring Axel Dörner and Fred Lonberg-Holm) with a set of six austere, slow-moving soundscapes in keeping with the prevailing tendency in new improvised music to move away from rapid-fire interplay (improv’s free jazz heritage) toward a territory more traditionally associated with contemporary electronic music. Culled from recordings made between 2000 and 2002 (some live, and slightly marred by occasional muffled coughs), Object 2 is as much a landmark of the genre as the highly acclaimed releases on the Erstwhile label. Bruckmann has in recent times preferred to downplay his dazzling virtuosity on the double-reed instruments (as documented on his solo debut for Barely Auditable, Entymology, and his outstanding collection of duets, And, on Musica Genera) in favour of patient exploration of the microtonal and micro-timbral inflections of long-held tones, which combine with Karel’s plaintive trumpet and the grainy analogue electronics, blasts of white noise, and crackling static to create music of an extraordinary intensity that richly repays repeated listening.”