Street Dad

Artist: Out Hud
Label: Kranky
Format: CD
SKU: 12534 Categories: ,

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“S.T.R.E.E.T. D.A.D. is a joyous celebration of the place where rock and dance subcultures meet. Like Stereolab and Labradford before them, this Brooklyn-via-San-Francisco group has the good sense to steal from relatively obscure sources (so that the young ones who don’t know any better will think they’re “original”). More important, they take those influences–ESG, Liquid Liquid, and Pell Mell among them–and do interesting, inventive stuff with what they’ve found (so that geezer hipsters are pleased). Out Hud is the very best of a wave of acts that spent 2002 partying like it was 1981. They take a Mudd Club-like cross-cultural approach, weaving funk, disco, and new wave with a harder, more experimental post-punk vibe. It’s New Order meets Durutti Column, and you’re even more liable to like it if that reference means nothing to you.” MM