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“Jonathan Coleclough is a relatively new Deep Listening composer, but one who deserves a place with the experimental Ambient pantheon that glorifies the work of Pauline Oliveros, Brian Eno, and :zoviet*france:. ‘Period,’ a vinyl only release and his third solo album, draws all its sounds from a Bluthner grand piano. With each key that Coleclough strikes, he has rigged up an undefined set-up (perhaps a series of interlocking delay pedals creating a delicate feedback loop or an acoustic device of various strings and springs which act as a modified Aeolian harp) to generate beautifully resonating tones, which appear at first to sustain indefinitely yet almost imperceptibly begin to show signs of decay. When a spartan cluster of impressionistic notes trickles from the piano’s soundboard, Coleclough has an amazingly rich drone to work into gradual shifts and modulations until another series of gentle piano notes is required. The flip side of the record is an exceptional piece on which Nurse With Wound and Ora collaborator Colin Potter reworked the original source material. Potter’s contribution entitled ‘Periodic,’ effectively erases the obvious references to the piano, leaving behind a densely tangled web of calm reverberations.” JH