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“If you’ve a fear of too much brightness in your listening tastes, the mysterious drones of eremiophobia may be up your darkened alley… somber sound scenes are painted in dirty greys eaten with neo-organic decay. Woozy rays waver through I, seeping into II where wirey squiggles and robotone bleats begin to encroach with ever-more-abrasive forces. IV churns in steady cycles which may be liquid or electric currents or most likely some purely synthetic semblance thereof. The rumbling/steaming voids of VI (16:58) spread unknown activities across uncrowded expanses of murk, generally with an deserted-industrial feel.

Something like faint, faint faraway train-horn-ambiance sifts into VIII, with closer sheens lighting, though not necessarily illuminating; sporadic disturbances add shades of potential menace to the shrouds of drear. Inexplicable intermission IX (0:05) exists just before X rings into being, a stark glare dominates the unnatural proceedings of the final 14 minutes, replaced by noisier curtains of unknowable distortions. An overall B for effective moodiness (+ I’ve been surfing another photo gallery of “abandoned places” with j. frede’s sounds adding perfectly bleak accompaniment.)”