Perfect Fit

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Three sound artists form this formidable trio: using voice and objects (stephie büttrich), using percussion and powerbook (justin bennett), and using powerbook and analogue synthesizers (anne wellmer). grand mal weave together electronica, acoustic improv and dance beats, all recycled, twisted and warped by wellmer’s chaotic electronic circuits. “grand mal: like throwing jazz, electronic music and twisted pop into a food processor and then listening to the food processor. delicious.”
Justin Bennett was born in the UK in 1964. His work with sound and visual media has been exhibited and broadcast widely. He is best know for his work with field recordings of cities, which has resulted in CD releases, works for public spaces, radio projects and audio tours. He has played improvised electronics and percussion solo and with, among others, Grand Mal, Fiber Jelly, MIMEO, Joel Ryan, 242.pilots, The Orgone. Founding member of the performance group BMB con. He lives and works in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Stephie Büttrich, born on the 4th of July in 1968, decided to become a vocal acrobat right after her first scream. So she went to Cologne, Berlin and The Hague in The Netherlands to study music, sounds, and theatre. There she found a flock of people with whom she loves to produce noises and get wild on stage. She worked as a singer, performance artist, composer, producer, and acrobat of vocal science, before finally returning to her primal scream which was actually a gasp for air.
Anne Wellmer was born to be angry in Germany in 1966, raised to be wild in America 1970-1973 and educated to be noisy in the Netherlands 1992-1997. Among her work are performances and installations, music theatre pieces and choreographies. She performs as an improvising musician, as a composer and as a singer on analogue and digital electronics. Anne Wellmer is based in The Hague (NL) and since September 2001 also in Middletown CT (USA) where she studies music at Wesleyan University.